Performance Assessment of High-Resolution WRF Model Physics Parameterizations over Aegean Sea (bibtex)
by Nitis T. , Tsegas G. , Gianaros T., Koračin D. , Lagouvardos C.
Performance Assessment of High-Resolution WRF Model Physics Parameterizations over Aegean Sea (Nitis T. , Tsegas G. , Gianaros T., Koračin D. , Lagouvardos C.), In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metereology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metereology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics},
  isbn = {978-960-98220-4-6},
  venue = {Alexandroupolis, Greece},
  title = {Performance Assessment of High-Resolution WRF Model Physics Parameterizations over Aegean Sea},
  author={Nitis T. , Tsegas G. , Gianaros T., Koračin D. , Lagouvardos C. },
  month = {October},
  url = {},
  fulltitle={Efficiency of SST daTa assimilation scheme foR dynamIcal Downscaling climatological simulations in a MEditerraneaN coasTal area - Production},
  pi={Theodoros Nitis},
  affiliation={University of the Aegean},
  researchfield={Earth System Sciences}