Avatar deliverable D2.5: Effects of inflow turbulence on large wind turbines (bibtex)
by Kim, Y., Lutz, Th., Jost, E., Gomez-Iradi, S., Munoz, A., Lampropoulos, N., Sørensen,N.N., Madsen, H., van der Lann, P., Heißelmann, H., Voutsinas, S., Papadakis, G.
Avatar deliverable D2.5: Effects of inflow turbulence on large wind turbines (Kim, Y., Lutz, Th., Jost, E., Gomez-Iradi, S., Munoz, A., Lampropoulos, N., Sørensen,N.N., Madsen, H., van der Lann, P., Heißelmann, H., Voutsinas, S., Papadakis, G.), Technical report, , 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Avatar deliverable D2.5: Effects of inflow turbulence on large wind turbines},
  author={Kim, Y., Lutz, Th., Jost, E., Gomez-Iradi, S., Munoz, A., Lampropoulos, N., Sørensen,N.N., Madsen, H., van der Lann, P., Heißelmann, H., Voutsinas, S., Papadakis, G.},
  month = {October},
  bibyear = {2016},
  url = {https://www.eera-avatar.eu/fileadmin/avatar/user/avatar_D2p5_revised_20161231.pdf},
  fulltitle={Advanced Aerodynamic Tools for Large Rotors},
  pi={Nikolaos Lampropoulos},
  affiliation={Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving},