On Structural and Magnetic Properties of Substituted SmCo5 Materials (bibtex)
by Gjoka, Margariti, Sempros, Georgios, Giaremis, Stefanos, Kioseoglou, Joseph and Sarafidis, Charalampos
On Structural and Magnetic Properties of Substituted SmCo5 Materials (Gjoka, Margariti, Sempros, Georgios, Giaremis, Stefanos, Kioseoglou, Joseph and Sarafidis, Charalampos), In Materials, volume 16, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
        fulltitle={Novel nanOstrUctured materials Systems},
        pi={Joseph Kioseoglou},
        affiliation={Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
        researchfield={Chemical Sciences and Materials},
	AUTHOR = {Gjoka, Margariti and Sempros, Georgios and Giaremis, Stefanos and Kioseoglou, Joseph and Sarafidis, Charalampos},
	TITLE = {On Structural and Magnetic Properties of Substituted SmCo5 Materials},
	JOURNAL = {Materials},
	VOLUME = {16},
	YEAR = {2023},
	bibyear = {2023},
	NUMBER = {2},
	URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/16/2/547},
	ISSN = {1996-1944},
	DOI = {10.3390/ma16020547}