Revising of the Near Ground Helicopter Hover: The Effect of Ground Boundary Layer Development (bibtex)
by Andronikos, Theologos, Papadakis, George, Riziotis, Vasilis and Voutsinas, Spyros
Revising of the Near Ground Helicopter Hover: The Effect of Ground Boundary Layer Development (Andronikos, Theologos, Papadakis, George, Riziotis, Vasilis and Voutsinas, Spyros), In Applied Sciences, volume 11, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
  AUTHOR = {Andronikos, Theologos and Papadakis, George and Riziotis, Vasilis and Voutsinas, Spyros},
  TITLE = {Revising of the Near Ground Helicopter Hover: The Effect of Ground Boundary Layer Development},
  JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
  VOLUME = {11},
  YEAR = {2021},
  NUMBER = {21},
  ARTICLE-NUMBER = {9935},
  URL = {},
  ISSN = {2076-3417},
  DOI = {10.3390/app11219935},
  fulltitle={Advanced AeroELAStic Modeling of Wind TURBines},
  pi={John Prospathopoulos},
  affiliation={National Technical University of Athens},