Preliminary investigation on the use of low current pulsed power Z-pinch plasma devices for the study of early stage plasma instabilities (bibtex)
by E Kaselouris, V Dimitriou, I Fitilis, A Skoulakis, G Koundourakis, E L Clark, J Chatzakis, Bakarezos, I K Nikolos, N A Papadogiannis and M Tatarakis
Preliminary investigation on the use of low current pulsed power Z-pinch plasma devices for the study of early stage plasma instabilities (E Kaselouris, V Dimitriou, I Fitilis, A Skoulakis, G Koundourakis, E L Clark, J Chatzakis, Bakarezos, I K Nikolos, N A Papadogiannis and M Tatarakis), In Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, volume 60, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
	doi = {10.1088/1361-6587/aa8ab0},
	url = {},
	year = {2017},
	bibyear = {2017},
	journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion},
	volume = {60},
	number = {1},
	pages = {014031},
        call = {pr003},
        fulltitle={Pluto Plasma Physics Simulations},
        pi={iVasilis Dimitriou},
        affiliation={Technological Educational Institute of Crete},
	author = {E Kaselouris and V Dimitriou and I Fitilis and A Skoulakis and G Koundourakis and E L Clark and J Chatzakis and Bakarezos and I K Nikolos and N A Papadogiannis and M Tatarakis},
	title = {Preliminary investigation on the use of low current pulsed power Z-pinch plasma devices for the study of early stage plasma instabilities},