Atomistic Simulations of Long-Chain Polyethylene Melts Flowing Past Gold Surfaces: Structure and Wall-Slip (bibtex)
by Sgouros A. P., Theodorou D.N.
Atomistic Simulations of Long-Chain Polyethylene Melts Flowing Past Gold Surfaces: Structure and Wall-Slip (Sgouros A. P., Theodorou D.N.), In Mol. Phys., volume 17, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Sgouros A. P., Theodorou D.N.},
TITLE = {Atomistic Simulations of Long-Chain Polyethylene Melts Flowing Past Gold Surfaces: Structure and Wall-Slip},
JOURNAL = {Mol. Phys.},
VOLUME = {17},
YEAR = {2020},
BIBYEAR = {2020},
NUMBER = {},
PAGES = {1-20},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1080/00268976.2019.1706775},
  fulltitle={Multiscale Simulations at Interfaces for Biological Applications},
  pi={Doros Theodorou},
  affiliation={National Technical University of Athens},
  researchfield={Chemical Sciences and Materials}