Ab initio, artificial neural network predictions and experimental synthesis of mischmetal alloying in Sm–Co permanent magnets (bibtex)
by Giaremis, Stefanos, Katsikas, Georgios, Sempros, Georgios, Gjoka, Margarit, Sarafidis, Charalambos and Kioseoglou, Joseph
Ab initio, artificial neural network predictions and experimental synthesis of mischmetal alloying in Sm–Co permanent magnets (Giaremis, Stefanos, Katsikas, Georgios, Sempros, Georgios, Gjoka, Margarit, Sarafidis, Charalambos and Kioseoglou, Joseph), In Nanoscale, The Royal Society of Chemistry, volume 14, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
fulltitle={Novel nanOstrUctured Semiconductors},
pi={Joseph Kioseoglou},
affiliation={Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
researchfield={Chemical Sciences and Materials},
author ="Giaremis, Stefanos and Katsikas, Georgios and Sempros, Georgios and Gjoka, Margarit and Sarafidis, Charalambos and Kioseoglou, Joseph",
title  ="Ab initio{,} artificial neural network predictions and experimental synthesis of mischmetal alloying in Sm–Co permanent magnets",
journal  ="Nanoscale",
year  ="2022",
bibyear = "2022",
volume  ="14",
issue  ="15",
pages  ="5824-5839",
publisher  ="The Royal Society of Chemistry",
doi  ="10.1039/D2NR00364C",
url  ="http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/D2NR00364C",