Unravelling the effect of the E545K mutation on PI3Kα kinase (bibtex)
by Ioannis Galdadas, Francesco Luigi Gervasio and Zoe Cournia
Unravelling the effect of the E545K mutation on PI3Kα kinase (Ioannis Galdadas, Francesco Luigi Gervasio and Zoe Cournia), In Chemical Science, volume , 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Ioannis Galdadas, Francesco Luigi Gervasio  and  Zoe Cournia},
TITLE = {Unravelling the effect of the E545K mutation on PI3Kα kinase},
JOURNAL = {Chemical Science},
VOLUME = {},
YEAR = {2020},
BIBYEAR = {2020},
NUMBER = {},
PAGES = {},
URL = {https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2020/sc/c9sc05903b},
DOI = {10.1039/c9sc05903b},
  fulltitle={Unravelling the effect of the E545K mutation onPI3Kakinase},
  pi={Zoe Cournia},
  affiliation={Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens},
  researchfield={Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences}