Assessing the Implicit Rain Impact on Sea State During Hurricane Sandy (2012) (bibtex)
by Katsafados, P., Varlas, G., Papadopoulos, A., Spyrou, C. and Korres, G.
Assessing the Implicit Rain Impact on Sea State During Hurricane Sandy (2012) (Katsafados, P., Varlas, G., Papadopoulos, A., Spyrou, C. and Korres, G.), In Geophysical Research Letters, volume 45, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Katsafados, P. and Varlas, G. and Papadopoulos, A. and Spyrou, C. and Korres, G.},
  title = {Assessing the Implicit Rain Impact on Sea State During Hurricane Sandy (2012)},
  journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
  volume = {45},
  number = {21},
  pages = {12,015-12,022},
  keywords = {air-sea interaction, Hurricane Sandy, air-ocean wave coupled model, rain impact on ocean waves, rain-on-ocean effect, rain induced sea surface roughness},
  doi = {10.1029/2018GL078673},
  url = {},
  eprint = {},
  year = {2018},
  bibyear = {2018},
  fulltitle={The first step towards coupling CHAOS and NEMO},
  pi={Petros Katsafados},
  affiliation={Harokopio University of Athens},
  researchfield={Earth System Sciences}