by Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun
Investigation of the Drug Resistance Mechanism of M2-S31N Channel Blockers through Biomolecular Simulations and Viral Passage Experiments (Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun), In ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, volume 3, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
fulltitle={Computer-Aided Drug Design for Adenosine GPCRs},
pi={Antonios Kolocouris},
affiliation={National and Kapodistrian University of Athens},
researchfield={Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences},
author = {Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun},
title = {Investigation of the Drug Resistance Mechanism of M2-S31N Channel Blockers through Biomolecular Simulations and Viral Passage Experiments},
journal = {ACS Pharmacology \& Translational Science},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
pages = {666-675},
year = {2020},
bibyear = {2021},
oi = {10.1021/acsptsci.0c00018},
URL = {},