Investigation of the Drug Resistance Mechanism of M2-S31N Channel Blockers through Biomolecular Simulations and Viral Passage Experiments (bibtex)
by Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun
Investigation of the Drug Resistance Mechanism of M2-S31N Channel Blockers through Biomolecular Simulations and Viral Passage Experiments (Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun), In ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, volume 3, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
        fulltitle={Computer-Aided Drug Design for Adenosine GPCRs},
        pi={Antonios Kolocouris},
        affiliation={National and Kapodistrian University of Athens},
        researchfield={Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences},
	author = {Musharrafieh Rami, Lagarias Panagiotis, Ma Chunlong, Hau Raymond, Romano Alex, Lambrinidis George, Kolocouris Antonios. Wang Jun},
	title = {Investigation of the Drug Resistance Mechanism of M2-S31N Channel Blockers through Biomolecular Simulations and Viral Passage Experiments},
	journal = {ACS Pharmacology \& Translational Science},
	volume = {3},
	number = {4},
	pages = {666-675},
	year = {2020},
	bibyear = {2021},
	oi = {10.1021/acsptsci.0c00018},
	URL = {},