by I. Pytharoulis
Analysis of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone and its sensitivity to the sea surface temperatures (I. Pytharoulis), In Atmospheric Research, volume 208, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
title = {Analysis of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone and its sensitivity to the sea surface temperatures},
journal = {Atmospheric Research},
volume = {208},
pages = {167-179},
year = {2018},
bibyear = {2018},
note = {High Impact Atmospheric Processes in the Mediterranean},
issn = {0169-8095},
doi = {10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.08.009},
url = {},
author = {I. Pytharoulis},
keywords = {Medicane, Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone, Sea surface temperatures, WRF numerical model, Qendresa, Phase space diagrams},
fulltitle={ClOud Resolving climate and FIRE Simulations},
pi={Theodore Karacostas},
affiliation={Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
researchfield={Earth System Sciences}