17.1% Efficient Single‐Junction Organic Solar Cells Enabled by n‐Type Doping of the Bulk‐Heterojunction (bibtex)
17.1% Efficient Single‐Junction Organic Solar Cells Enabled by n‐Type Doping of the Bulk‐Heterojunction, In Advanced Science, volume 7, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
        fulltitle={First-principles studies on emerging materials for technological applications},
        pi={Leonidas Tsetseris},
        affiliation={National Technical University of Athens},
        researchfield={Chemical Sciences and Materials},
        author = {Yuanbao Lin,  Yuliar Firdaus,  Mohamad Insan Nugraha,  Feng Liu,  Safakath Karuthedath,  Abdul‐Hamid Emwas,  Weimin Zhang,  Akmaral Seitkhan,  Marios Neophytou,  Hendrik Faber,  Emre Yengel,  Iain McCulloch,  Leonidas Tsetseris,  Frédéric Laquai,  Thomas D. Anthopoulos},
        doi = {10.1002/advs.201903419},
        url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.201903419},
        year = {2020},
        BIBYEAR = {2020},
        journal = {Advanced Science},
        volume = {7},
        number = {7},
        pages = {1903419},
        title = {17.1% Efficient Single‐Junction Organic Solar Cells Enabled by n‐Type Doping of the Bulk‐Heterojunction},