Large Eddy Simulation study on the structure of turbulent flow in a complex city (bibtex)
by I.C. Tolias, N. Koutsourakis, D. Hertwig, G.C. Efthimiou, A.G. Venetsanos and J.G. Bartzis
Large Eddy Simulation study on the structure of turbulent flow in a complex city (I.C. Tolias, N. Koutsourakis, D. Hertwig, G.C. Efthimiou, A.G. Venetsanos and J.G. Bartzis), In Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 177, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
	title = "Large Eddy Simulation study on the structure of turbulent flow in a complex city ",
	journal = "Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics ",
	volume = "177",
	number = "",
	pages = "101 - 116",
	year = "2018",
	bibyear = "2018",
	note = "",
	issn = "0167-6105",
	doi = "doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2018.03.017",
	url = "",
	author = "I.C. Tolias and N. Koutsourakis and D. Hertwig and G.C. Efthimiou and A.G. Venetsanos and J.G. Bartzis",
	fulltitle="Computation of turbulent Flow and airborne materials Dispersion in complex URBan environments",
	pi="Spyros Andronopoulos",
	affiliation="National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos",
	researchfield="Earth System Sciences"