by Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Karafiloglou, Padeleimon and Kioseoglou, Joseph
Ab initio quantum transport in AB-stacked bilayer penta-silicene using atomic orbitals (Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Karafiloglou, Padeleimon and Kioseoglou, Joseph), In RSC Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry, volume 8, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
author ="Chatzikyriakou, Eleni and Karafiloglou, Padeleimon and Kioseoglou, Joseph",
title ="Ab initio quantum transport in AB-stacked bilayer penta-silicene using atomic orbitals",
journal ="RSC Adv.",
year ="2018",
bibyear ="2018",
volume ="8",
issue ="59",
pages ="34041-34046",
publisher ="The Royal Society of Chemistry",
doi ="10.1039/C8RA05652H",
url ="",
fulltitle="Atomistic MOdelling of NAnostructures and extended DEfects",
pi="Joseph Kioseoglou",
affiliation="Aristotle University of Thessaloniki",